It's been a while since we updated. Just proves how busy things have been. Michael is in class mon, tue, and wed nights and one weekend a month. He is getting closer and closer to his December graduation! We can't wait!
I have been busy pulling 13 hour shifts with the kids. Let me tell you, it's a lot harder the days Michael has class. Plus, now I am watching a little 10 month old boy mon-wed-fri in the mornings. He is so easy though, he is here from 8:30-1pm and sleeps from 9:30-11:30am then has lunch, plays for a while then mommy comes to get him. Plus he is very sweet and a good sleeper.
We are thinking about putting Megan in ballet classes. We know she would absolutely love it! She is all girl! Dolls, tea sets, dresses, Cinderella, and Pink are her greatest loves. She will twirl until she falls over, then she likes to tell me she is dizzy for the next hour. She has discovered the Disney store at the mall and gasps now every time she sees it. Her Aunt Sarah got the Cinderella movie for her for Christmas and if Megan had her way she would watch it twice each day. Megan is getting smarter each day. When someone asks me how old she is SHE lets them know "My name is Megan and I am 2 1/2. What's your name?" It's always amusing to see the looks of surprise on peoples faces. Oh if they only knew!
Jacob on the other hand is all boy! He says "football" and spikes everything he finds as if he has just scored a touchdown (which he also likes to say loudly while raising his arms over his head.). He makes car and truck sounds while driving his cars and trucks all over everything. He is not gentle with Megan's dolls, they get spiked along with everything else. He loves to dance to "the Wheels on the Bus" and a song on "Polar Express" called Hot Chocolate. Where food is concerned it is one of Jakes major loves. I have to cut him off all the time or I think he would just keep asking for "more peese!!!". He has gotten very good with his sign language. He can sign "more", "please", "down", and "thank you". And now he can say all of them as well. Jake is also into kicking his foot and saying "kick", hopefully he keeps the kicks to the soccerball!