The mantra I have heard from "older and wiser moms" since Megan was born has always been "They grow up so fast! Enjoy her being little!". Well, it is so very true! Today Jacob went down for an early nap so Megan and I had several hours of uninterrupted time together. We sat down and as usual I tried to teach her something only to find out that she already knows it (at least 1/2 of it)! I wrote her name and proceeded to try and help her write it. She said "Mommy, let me do it please". She then wrote an "m" and tried an "e" then was very frustrated that it didn't look right. We spent the next 15 minutes "getting it right" by her standards. It's like she had been waiting for mommy to get a clue and start the ball rolling on letter writing. SHE IS ONLY 2 1/2! I'm not really sure what she is capable of. She doesn't fit the developmental stage description.
So, then we did some pre-k shape matching workbook pages which she breezed through. I really wanted to find something to challenge her a bit. So... Out came the scissors! We spent a while learning how to use them, then she asked to do it by herself. SCISSORS by HERSELF! I am learning right along side her. I have to let her be independent and make mistakes... And let her be frustrated enough to problem solve. Anyway, she cut and cut and cut for 20 minutes or so, then I looked over and she had glued all the cut pieces to a large piece of paper. She brought it into the kitchen and asked for a magnet to put it on the refrigerator. It is proudly displayed!

I love being Megan's mommy! And of course Jacob's too, but this entry was about Megan.