Hi all, yes it's been a long time since I updated. I am sure you stopped checking up on us. We can finally talk about our plans publicly.
We are moving to Texas in 40 days!!! We started toying with the idea a long time ago. As time has progressed God has made it abuntantly clear to us that this is His plan for us. We visited a few months back and it became even more clear. We started making plans, building a house, sold our house, moved in with my parents, put all of our things in storage. Now our house is nearing completion and we are booking the moving company. Tomorrow Michael and I leave for a whirlwind 2 day trip to TX for job interviews and to have a look at our house before it's move-in day.
God has been so good to us, guiding us every step of the way. Our house sold after only 2 weeks on the market for a nice profit. We have wonderful parents who have rooms to spare for 5 1/2 months so that we can save even more money. It has been pretty clear to us that God is in on this one. Then again he went above and beyond what we ever could have dreamed of. Michael started hearing rumors at work that there would be lay-off's coming maybe in November. We talked it over and decided this would be perfect for us. At the least Michael would get 60 days severance and have 2 months to look for a job in Texas and spend time with us. Long story short, God blew those low expectations out the window and we are praising God for getting laid-off! The severance package was incredible to say the least. This is Michael's first week as a full time student and as a gainfully unemployed person. We are loving it:)