Sunday, February 18, 2007

Getting settled

So the verdict is... we like Texas! I know it's only been a month and a half, but we feel like this is home already. I told my sister Sarah that I feel like I'm a sellout. I feel like I should be misreble and having no fun. I should be missing Charlotte terribly and wanting to go home. But we are having a good time here. Everything is new and fresh. We try a new church every Sunday and a new park or mall during the week. I am navigating my way around Fort Worth succesfully, in part due to my wonderful husband laminating a map of the highways and getting a compass for the van:)

Jacob is now in a "big boy bed" and potty trained in a shocking 4 hours! I am so amazed by him. He is so sensitive and smart and funny. He is starting to get the hang of using "the sad lip" when I repremand him. He sticks out the lip and looks crushed at having disapointed his mommy. However, it's no longer genuine every time. He knows how it effects me. It makes me want to appologize for correcting him!!! Smart boy.

Megan is getting so big. She is itching for friends. She looks forward to going to new churches and finding out what they do in sunday school class. By the end of class she has always found a friend to give dramatic goodbyes to. We are looking for a pre-school for her and ballet or gymnastics class. So far she has a library class that she goes into without me for music, stories, and play. I am trying to figure her out. For a 3 1/2 year old she understands so much and has opinions about it all. I want to give her every opportunity and foster her personality but I also have to keep it under control. She is so strong willed and tests everything everyday, including her mom and all the limits.

We do miss our friends and family. We have everyones Christmas pictures on the side of the fridgefor the kids to look at. Megan sometimes comments on them. She wants her cousin to come visit soon to play dress up.

We love you all, R