Since we have been in Texas we have become acustomed to the phrase "I've never seen it like this before!". Whether it be the amount of tornadoes, the huge orange dust storm that covered the city and left your mouth and eyes gritty (even indoors), the crazy ice storms or the massive amount of rain we have gotten. When we moved here I got books about drought resistent plants and low water usage gardening. If I had done what I planned it would all be dead now! Our trees in the front yard are dying, losing their leaves and dying because they have gotten too much rain. Our slow growing, drought resisitant bermuda grass has to be mowed every other day or it has the seed pods showing! Good thing we live one of the highest points around. The water rushes down our street with such speed that the neighborhood kids sit in it and are carried down the hill! Crazy stuff. Michael's dad's city lake was 18 ft below normal levels at the beginning of the year. It was supposed to take 5 years of "normal" rain to get it to a good level. Well, it was (before the last few days of downpours) 4 ft ABOVE normal level. We haven't even seen more than 2 or 3 90 degree days!
Okay, enough of the weather! Megan is now 4 years old and swears she is so big that none of the clothes she has fit. She was wearing them all fine last week! It took some convincing and removal of several legitamate small items to get her to accept her wardrobe as 4 year old worthy. She is starting swimming lessons in July and is so excited. Her preschool starts in August, I know she is going to thrive. She has such a wonderfully outgoing personality and is so hungry to learn. I am praying for her to do well and make lots of new friends. Her Birthday party is tomorrow afternoon. I have been recruiting for the last few months for the party. I have been getting e-mail info of all the kids she meets and has fun with. I was so excited when all the kids we invited, even ones she has only met once, said they were coming. I want so much for her to have a great 1st Texas birthday party. Oh, by the way, she has been asking for a fishing rod for months now. Turns out she is pretty good at it. She has a princess fishing rod with a practice piece at the end so it doesn't have a hook. She casts over and over into the back yard from the patio and has on several occations sent it flying over the back fence into the neighbors yard!
Jake is just awesome. He is such a cool combination of tough boy and sensitive heart. When I pray over him every night I pray that he wont loose that sensitive part of his personality just because he is a boy. Good thing is that his daddy finds no shame in showing his sensitive side. He is very affectionate. I have to tell him to stop kissing me! He is still very into the trains and cars and trucks. He has also started, to Megan's surprise, standing up for himself. I think he is starting to understand that he is equal if not stronger than she is. She can't boss him around as much now, he wont take it. After our trip to the beach he starting talking even more if it's possible. He doesn't stop. Between the two of them I have had several days where I am hoars at the end of the day from answering so many questions.
We are having fun in Texas! So far the only thing (not person) I miss is having so many Target stores so close to where I live. I have to drive 10-15 min on the super highways of Texas to get to the closest Target. I pretty much have to take the super highways to get anywhere other than starbucks(yum!), home depot, mcdonalds or walmart.
And for the sake of getting the "I love Crocs" to the top of the google list... Crocs, Crocs, Crocs, Crocs, Crocs, Crocs!!!