Friday, December 07, 2007


It's 85 degrees today, December 7th and it's 85! It's just strange to me... I want to bundle up the kids in their jammas and blankets and go out looking at Christmas lights with Michael and the kids drinking our hot chocolate and feeling so warm and cozy in the van. It's just a bit hard to get into what I know as the Christmas mentality in shorts and a t-shirt. Even in Charlotte it was never this warm. Oh well, we will be bringing our coats with us when we go to Charlotte for Christmas. Then maybe we will be loving the weather here when we get back.

It's finals week next week. I have a research paper and 2 finals on Tuesday, then it's freedom! Actually, the mountains of clean yet unfolded laundry, stacks of papers to be filed, and general underlying disorder that has built up over the last few weeks needs to be addressed, but at least that can be done in my jammas with Christmas music playing and without too much thought.