This is the story of us as we try to follow after Proverbs 16:9 and continue to seek who we are in Christ.
We spent a while at this stop on the Blue Ridge Parkway. We were so high up that we were standing in the clouds at some points. They would roll right past us and around us. It was very cool! We stopped at almost every other "Scenic overlook" on our way. Michael and I were in awe of God's creation, it was fun getting to share it with the kids, and each other.
Megan HAD to take her babies in the tunnel with her, she takes very good care of them.
It was a little dark on the way home, hence the blurry picture, but we had to get a picture of Megan and mommy pushing the strollers.
Megan, on the same shopping trip, got new baby bottles. They were her reward for staying in bed all night. We were very amused to see the two of them sitting next to each other, Jake with his truck, and Megan feeding her baby-doll. We did not set this picture up. Megan always sits pretty close to Jake no matter what they are doing, it was just cool to see the differences in the two of them. We love them so much!
On Saturday we all packed up in the van and headed to UNCC. Michael needed to get his books for this semester so we decided to all go. I know we sound cheesy sometimes, but we really do like spending as much time together as possible. Michael is very excited that school is starting up again. He will have to get up pretty early in the morning and won't be home until after dinner time, that part he never looks forward to. This is the place God has us right now. We feel that this is moving us closer and closer to Michael being able to be in full-time vocational ministry. We are excited about where God is going to take us in the next few years. Michael has about two more semesters to go until he has his undergraduate in History. And as far as we see right now the next step is seminary. We will have to wait and see where God leads us. If any of you feel so inclined, please pray that we will clearly see where God wants us to go.
We have decided that I am going to start trying to find a child to watch during the week. I would like to be able to find a child close to Megans age. Not full time though. Just two or three days a week. If anyone knows of someone looking for part time childcare please let me know about them. I am going to do pre-school curriculum with Megan and would love to have someone for her to do it along with. Plus, getting us closer to being debt-free won't hurt:)
I would love to hear how you are all doing! Please leave comments after this entry. The cool thing is that everyone else can see what you are up to and comment on your comment as well. Was that confusing? Anyway, just be sure to sign your name at the end of your entry if you don't have a blogger name.
We love you all!