Wednesday, August 17, 2005

A good day

Today has been another good day! Better on the sleep/nap front so far! Probably in part due to the fact that we went to the park today with friends. Megan ran and climbed and rode on the swings until I decided her little system had had enough. She is just like Michael and I, she doesn't handle heat too well. After 10 min at the park she was red faced and her hair was soaked with sweat. I could tell she was tired because when I challenged her to "race me to the car" she didn't put up a fight.

Jacob is learning at light speed! Yesterday Megan started going up stairs and said to Jacob "you come with me?" beckoning him with her hands. So... without a second thought I helped Jacob follow her. Needless to say he caught on after several steps and proceeded on without much help from me. Oops! Later, on my way to Bible study, I received a call from Michael. I had neglected to inform him that there might be a slight chance that our son had inadvertently been taught how to climb the steps. Michael found him as he was on his way up. Oops again!

Jacob also learned just this morning that he could stick his tongue out at us. It was so cute to see that little tongue being stuck out as he stared at us blankfaced. Megan got a kick out of it too.

To anyone who was at our wedding: Check out my photographer friends website. You might happen upon a picture of yourself! The address is There are some really good ones under weddings/receptions. Aubs, I would still love a copy of that one of My father-in-law and I for myself!

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