Sunday, October 14, 2007

Megan's first ER visit

So we just got back from the ER at Cooks Childrens hospital. Megan and I were home having a girls night (actually I have a stomach bug and sent Michael and Jacob to dinner at his brothers while Megan and I stayed here to watch movies). Megan was doing crafts and I was doing some paper work at the kitchen table. All the sudden Megan screamed that she had cut her finger, in a moments time I realized that while I was absorbed in my papers she had begun to cut pipe cleaners into small pieces in order to bind her book together. She had been trying to cut through a big pipe cleaner, obviously using a good amount of force, and instead had cut into her finger. Turns out she took a good little piece out of the side of the tip of her index finger, about the size of 2 small grains of rice. After lots of blood and screaming I determined that the ER was in order. Michael was 30 min away but eventually got there, we went to the ER and in 10 min Megan was smiling and we were heading home. We walked in, I quietly told them the situation, they looked, called a wound specialist, 30 seconds later 2 showed up, they said stitches were not necissary (thank you God!!! I already had an upset stomach and Megan was hoarse from crying so much), cleaned it (by far the worst part!) Michael cried because it was painful to watch Megan being hurt and being so brave about it, neosporin, 2 band-aids, 3 stickers and we were out the door to go get Jacob from Grants house and on to Mcdonalds for cookies for bravery! By far the best ER visit I have ever had! Thank you Cooks Childrens Hospital! No wonder everyone says they are the best. Mommy will be paying a lot more attention when Megan has the scissors (safety or not!) and I think Megans pipe cleaner cutting days are over:)

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