(Spring pictures)
I am attempting to write this without crying.
God's goodness is just so overwhelming.
December 2006 we moved here thinking we had it all together, we could do this and we were going to do it well. God had different ideas about who was in control and how it was going to be done. From day one when the tornado sirens were blasting as we pulled up to our brand new house until this week we have been 100% out of control of anything. God has kept us healthy for the most part and we have clung to each other through it all. I won't even say that it is over. But God has certainly shown us that if we are going to be doing his ministry it is on his terms and we have to have 100% faith and trust in him. We have all heard it a million times... trust in God with everything you have... but who can really put themselves aside and give it all over? God has allowed it all to be taken away from us. We knew that we had done everything we could and the only other thing we could do was to give it all over to him and WAIT.
Here is a brief rundown of this past month.
~June 30th was Michael's last day of employment at ***** mortgage
~June 27th and 30th Michael was given vacation days off
~June 30th Michael starts 30 day contract as business consultant for neighbors new oil and gas company
~July 10 Michael is offered job with large company 15 minutes from home
~July 17th (today) Michael accepts new job starting August 1st
~August 31st Michael's severance ends from ***** mortgage
Michael will not have gone even one day without employment and will have had 9 weeks of double pay! It's really all a bit overwhelming right now but the paperwork has been signed and turned in and this really is happening. FYI this job will take care of all of our needs and surpass anything we ever expected!
We tried to do it all on our own, we tried giving ALMOST everything over, but only when we can say with hands thrown up and tear filled eyes "it's all yours God we can't do it!!!" does he give us rest.
It's been weeks since Michael and I have been able to sing during worship at our church. We have been so raw, so on the edge, so overwhelmed with God's goodness. The songs we sing are so much more real. If we were to sing it would sound like craziness because all that would come out would be a weird combo of overjoyed, singing/sobbing amazement. It's strange really, we have been in the middle of our most confusing, uncertain, scary period of time and yet what we are filled with is praises to God. I have literally felt like falling down on my face because I have felt so overcome by his presence. I guess I really lack the words to describe what we have been feeling. We have been at peace and know that God will, as always, provide for us what we need in his own timing. Unlike the past we haven't been filled with fear and stressed out to the max about everything. We knew we just needed to wait for what God had for us. If this was the lesson... it's not been an easy one to learn.
Rebecca, so many things I want to say...will email you later but God is sooooooo good!!!
Rebecca....time to update your blog!!! It's been 5 months!!!
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